Tuesday, May 31, 2011


So today we traveled on a ferry across the Strait of Gibralter to Africa... wait what? Sounds surreal to say. We entered Morocco this morning and here we are walking around in Africa. After a hectic landing and finding our bus, we found our way up to DARNA which is a center for women. It is a government association that provides classes and education for women in language, computer skills, resume writing, and sewing. It allows them the opportunity to gain skills that will help them get their own job. We sat down and had lunch with 3 Moroccan girls (2 students and 1 teacher) who told us all about what it was like to live and learn and be a woman in a masculine- dominated, 3rd world country. The coversation was enlightening and opened our eyes. We ate our first Moroccan dish, cous cous, and everybody really loved it. This first encounter of ours really broke down some stereotypes about government and women's rights in this country. As we move forward, a lot of conversations like these will take place to help us learn what life really is like over here for students just like us.

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